We Make Your Home Shine!

Exceptional Cleaning Services throughout North Houston

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For immediate service, please call us (713) 480-1571

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At U Have It Maid, You Are In Good Hands!

Frustrated that the housework never ends? Concerned that you can’t keep up with all the cleaning? Wouldn’t you rather enjoy your life, your home and your family? Let us give you the freedom to relax and enjoy your family and home. We are ready to make your place the cleanest it’s ever been.

We pride ourselves on offering professional, friendly, quality and dependable cleaning services. We believe in honesty and reliability. By using our cleaning services, you get a team you can count on to meet all of your cleaning needs. Commonly we offer weekly cleaning, bi weekly cleaning, monthly cleaning, one time cleaning, deep cleaning, move out cleaning and more. Whatever your needs, we have you covered in and around Spring.

Professional House Cleaning Services

U Have It Maid Cleaning Service Makes It Feel Like Home Again

Established in 2000, we are a local family-owned and operated business that loves to make your home sparkle! At U Have it Maid, we have made house cleaning in and around Spring, Texas and North Houston our life’s work. With a team of dedicated, hard-working, and experienced cleaning specialists, we are here to take care of all your cleaning needs!

Our Cleaning Services

House Cleaning

Weekly Cleaning

Monthly Cleaning

Move Out Cleaning

One Time Cleaning

Deep Cleaning

Happy Customers, Happy Homes

A cleaner, healthier home is just a click away!